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The Paul S. and Sylvia Steinberg Pre-School's philosophy and curriculum is based on the integration of several components that include the most current brain research, developmentally appropriate practices, multiple intelligences theory, emergent curriculum, the education standards of the the State of Illinois and the educational inspiration from Reggio Emilia, Italy.  Listening, observing and documenting the important learning done in the early years is central to our educational approach. We strive to make learning visible.  

Children learn best through play and exploration.  Encouraging play is the most important part of planning for young children, while they move through each stage of development and learn through the use of all their senses.


Throughout the year we work towards achieveing the following goals:


  • To create an atmosphere where children can grow and develop at their own rate in an environment that supports the development of a positive self concept.


  • To encourage the love of knowledge and the development of an inquisitive mind.


  • To provide a warm and caring environment where the child and family are unconditionally accepted.


  • To provide a wonderful first school experience that will frame all of the child's future school experiences in a positive way.


  • To encourage a love of Judaism and introduce and enhance Jewish customs, Jewish values, and a Hebrew vocabulary related to daily pre-school activities.




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